By Janine Dahinden
Building on her earlier work on "de-migranticization," this masterclass will introduce some of Janine Dahinden's current work in progress on what she term the ‘technologies of migranticization’.
By this, she refer to the process by which certain individuals are assigned migrant status through various social, economic, and political mechanisms, as well as how these processes are connected to power dynamics. In line with other scholars, she proposes using "migranticization" as an analytical framework to study the implications of migration-related categories and their consequences. She understands "migranticization" as a set of performative technologies of power and governmentality that are closely tied to the logic of the nation-state and coloniality. This masterclass will delve deeper into these ideas, inviting students to critique, amend, and also, to connect them (or not) to their own work.
If you would like to participate in this masterclass, please register through: Indicating your name and affiliation. All are welcome, but places are limited. If more participants register than we are able to accommodate, we will prioritise PhD researchers, postdoctoral researchers, and RMA students affiliated with UvA.