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From 9 September to 6 October, dr. Tunay Altay will be a visiting researcher in the Challenges program group, working with ARC-M director Saskia Bonjour to learn more about the migration research at the University of Amsterdam.

Tunay Altay is a postdoctoral researcher in sociology and gender studies at the Humboldt University of Berlin. His work centers on queer migration and sexual politics within the context of East-West mobilities in Europe. He co-chairs the Gender and Sexuality Research Network at the Council for European Studies. Tunay will be a visiting researcher at UvA until October 6 and will primarily work with Saskia Bonjour to learn more about UvA’s work on migration and potential links between his research and the migration scholars at the UvA.

You can contact him via email ( or social media (Twitter: TunayAltay1). You can find out more about his work here.