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Prof. dr. E.M. (Eileen) Moyer

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group: Moving Matters: People, Goods, Power and Ideas
Photographer: onbekend

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Room number: B5.08
Postal address
  • Postbus 15509
    1001 NA Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Profile



    Eileen Moyer is currently a Professor in the Anthropology of Ecology, Health and Climate Change, Department of Anthropology at the University of Amsterdam. Her current work is preceded by more than twenty years of research on HIV/AIDS. Since the culmination of her PhD (University of Amsterdam) in 2003, she has received funding from multiple international sources to examine the myriad of ways that HIV/AIDS is entangled in human social relations in urban Africa.

    Moyer is considered a leading international social science researcher in the field of HIV and sexual health and community engagement; most of her applied research has focused on improving HIV or sexual and reproductive health interventions in the global south.  With more than 80 publications to her name, she has been published in anthropological, medical, public health, health policy, urban and media studies journals. She is also the co-founder and co-editor of the open-access journal Medicine Anthropology Theory.

    In October 2008, Moyer was appointed Assistant Professor of medical and urban anthropology at the University of Amsterdam and since then has worked with prominent Dutch NGOs (AIDSfonds, Rutgers, HIVOS). She was granted tenure in October 2012 and promoted to the position of Associate Professor in 2016. In 2019 she was promoted to Full Professor. Eileen Moyer also works one day a week at the Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development, where she is developing a focus area in Ecology, Health and Environment, while overseeing the social science arm of an applied health project focusing on improving access to HIV treatment in Tanzania.

    As a University of Amsterdam professor, Moyer is beginning a research programme to study the relationship between ecological well-being, health and climate change. Her research examines the ways that climate change affects urban life, human and otherwise, as well as the relationship between climate change, environmental degradation and disease ecology. She links her work on human-viral relations to foundational questions about the entwinement of nature and culture, including anthropological concerns such as kinship, multispecies relations, evolution, human origins, and human life itself.

    Since 2008, Eileen Moyer has (co-)supervised six PhD dissertations and more than 35 MA theses and BA theses to completion. She has served on 17 PhD reading committees since her departmental appointment. She received approval to promote her own PhD researchers in 2017 and currently (co-)supervises 14 PhD research projects, ten of which are expected to defend by the end of 2021.

  • Research

    For her PhD research Eileen Moyer did extensive anthropological fieldwork on the social worlds and health concerns of poor urban street youth in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Since, she has been involved in comparative studies of access to health care for marginalized communities, focusing on HIV-related care and treatment, and sexual and reproductive health more generally among migrant populations. These studies involve anthropological fieldwork in diverse socio-cultural settings and at multiple levels: global, national and local. Most of her research has focused on eastern Africa, but she has also worked in Haiti and China. Moyer has contributed to the development of community level participatory research methodologies and frameworks for use in applied settings and developed theoretical frameworks for analyzing the long-term societal impact of HIV on communities in high prevalence settings. She has also been involved in the training and guiding of researchers and in the comparative analysis of results from multi-sited research. 

    Moyer is currently wrapping up a large collaborative research project, supported by a 5-year ERC Consolidator Grant, into the ways HIV has contributed to changing norms and practices related to gender, sexuality and public health in Kenya, South Africa and Tanzania. ( Leveraging this opportunity to secure funding for additional researchers, she has formed an interdisciplinary research group around the theme of Gender, Sexuality and Health in Urban Africa. The team has more than 20 members who conduct research on HIV, sexual rights, and gender equality initiatives, attempting to understand how global influences have shaped gender and sexual norms and practices in urban Africa over the last quarter century. She is personally engaged in research tracking the life trajectories of a group of Tanzanian men she has followed for nearly two decades. 

    Recently, Moyer's research has shifted into investigating Ecology, Health and Climate Change. This research examines the ways that climate change affects urban life, human and otherwise, as well as the relationship between climate change, environmental degradation and disease ecology. She is interested in ethnographically examining the social dynamics and consequences of climate change and disrupted ecologies, attending to geopolitical inequalities, imaginaries of sustainability and resilience, and (bio)technological fixes.

    The following gives an overview of Eileen Moyer’s main research projects since completing her PhD:

    • Principle Investigator. Becoming Men: Performing responsible masculinities in contemporary urban Africa. European Research Council 2015-2020.
    • Co-Principle Investigator. Assessing the role of PrEP for people from HIV endemic countries (PECs) living in The Netherlands. AIDSfonds Starter Grant 2015-2016.
    • Technical Advisor, Research Supervisor. Maximinzing antiretroviral treatment in Swaziland (MaxART) 2013-2015.
    • Co-Principle Investigator.  Filling the Gap: Social Institutions and AIDS in Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia, Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research, NWO/WOTRO-Integrated Programme 2009-2013.
    • Project Coordinator, lead researcher, technical advisor.  Learning by Doing: Enhancing treatment literacy and addressing sexual and reproductive health of PLWA in Eastern Africa, AIDSFonds, 2007-2011.
    • Co-Principle Investigator. Young Labor Migrants in Three Chinese Cities: A demonstration intervention project to address barriers to health care and promote sexual and reproductive health.  Funded by European Union FP-7, 2006-2009. 
    • Field Research Coordinator for Kenya country study. Testing and Counseling for HIV: A Four-Country Study, United States National Institutes of Health (NIH). 2007-2009.
    • Co-Principle Investigator. Social Aspects of Free AIDS Medicines in Public Health Care Settings in Tanzania and Zambia.  Funded by Swedish International Development Aid (SIDA), 2006-2007.
  • Publications



    • Erio, T., de Klerk, J., & Moyer, E. (2024). HIV status disclosure in the era of treat-all: the complexities of societal expectations and disclosure in marital relationships in Shinyanga, Tanzania. AIDS Care, 36(12), 1891-1901. [details]
    • Khofi, L., Manderson, L., & Moyer, E. (2024). Speaking of Hunger: Food Shortages, Poverty and Community Assistance in Urban South Africa. Ecology of Food and Nutrition, 63(4), 323-342. [details]
    • Maluleke, G., & Moyer, E. (2024). Fatherhood in Urban South Africa: The Making of the “Poor, Black man” as the Absentee Father in South African Media. In E. Chitando, O. B. Mlambo, S. Mfecane, & K. Ratele (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of African Men and Masculinities (pp. 955-974). Palgrave Macmillan. [details]
    • Pathak, G., Nichter, M., Hardon, A., & Moyer, E. (2024). The Open Burning of Plastic Wastes is an Urgent Global Health Issue. Annals of Global Health, 90(1), Article 3. [details]
    • Ragus, E. G., Sutherland, C., Manderson, L., & Moyer, E. M. (2024). Sculpting stories: methods to unsettle knowledge production in disasters. Disaster Prevention and Management. Advance online publication.
    • Shio, J., & Moyer, E. (2024). ‘Let Us Just Leave’: Gossip, Marginality, and Movement Among Gay Men in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In E. Chitando, O. B. Mlambo, S. Mfecane, & K. Ratele (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of African Men and Masculinities (pp. 767-785). Palgrave Macmillan. [details]
    • de Boer , W., Molewijk, B. C., Bremmer, M. A., Kreukels, B. P. C., Moyer, E. M., & Gerritse, K. (2024). Doing and undoing transgender health care: The ordering of ‘gender dysphoria’ in clinical practice. Sociology of Health and Illness, 46(4), 644-663. [details]





    • Fast, D., Bukusi, D., & Moyer, E. (2020). The Knife's Edge: Masculinity and precarity in eastern Africa. Social Science and Medicine, 258, Article 113097. [details]
    • Maluleke, G., & Moyer, E. (2020). "We have to ask for permission to become": Young Women's Voices, Gendered Violence and Mediated Spaces in South Africa. Signs : Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 45(4), 871-902. [details]
    • Moyer, E. (2020). Buying Time in a Prosperous Land: Some musings on human‐viral relations from the streets of Amsterdam. City & Society, 32(1), Article 12261. [details]
    • Musariri, L., & Moyer, E. M. (2020). "When Men Care". In Connected Lives: Households, Families, Health and Care HSRC Press.


    • Moyer, E. M. (2019). Becoming a Target. of HIV Intervention: The science and politics of anthropological reframing. Medicine Anthropology Theory, 6(4), 315-324.
    • Moyer, E. M., & Nguyen, V. K. (2019). Evidencing in Medical Anthropology. Medicine Anthropology Theory, 6(3), i-ii.
    • Moyer, E. M., & Nguyen, V. K. (2019). The spaces in-between: Anthropological engagements with classifying, boundary making, and epistemological closure. Medicine Anthropology Theory, 6(4), i-iv.
    • Moyer, E. M., & Nguyen, V. K. (2019). Valuing Health. Medicine Anthropology Theory, 6(1), i-iii.
    • Pell, C., Reis, R., Dlamini, N., Moyer, E., & Vernooij, E. (2019). 'Then her neighbour will not know her status’: how health providers advocate antiretroviral therapy under universal test and treat. International Health, 11(1), 36-41. Advance online publication. [details]








    • Decat, P., Zhang, W-H., Delva, W., Moyer, E., Cheng, Y., Wang, Z-J., Lu, C-Y., Wu, S-Z., Nadisauskiene, R. J., Temmerman, M., & Degomme, O. (2012). Promoting contraceptive use among female rural-to-urban migrants in Qingdao, China: a comparative impact study of worksite-based interventions. European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive health Care, 17(5), 363-372. [details]
    • He, D., Cheng, Y-M., Wu, S-Z., Decat, P., Wang, Z-J., Minkauskiene, M., & Moyer, E. (2012). Promoting contraceptive use more effectively among unmarried male migrants in construction sites in China: a pilot intervention trial. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health, 24(5), 806-815. [details]
    • He, D., Zhou, Y., Ji, N., Wu, S., Wang, Z., Decat, P., Moyer, E., Minkauskiene, M., Pang, C., & Cheng, Y. (2012). Study on sexual and reproductive health behaviors of unmarried female migrants in China. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research, 38(4), 632-638. [details]
    • Lu, C., Xu, L., Wu, J., Wang, Z., Decat, P., Zhang, W-H., Cheng, Y., Moyer, E., Wu, S., Minkauskiene, M., van Braeckel, D., & Temmerman, M. (2012). Sexual and reproductive health status and related knowledge among female migrant workers in Guangzhou, China: a cross-sectional survey. European journal of obstetrics & gynecology and reproductive biology, 160(1), 60-65. [details]
    • Moyer, E. (2012). Faidha gani? What's the point: HIV and the logics of (non)-disclosure among young activists in Zanzibar. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 14(S1), S67-S79. [details]
    • Wu, J., Zhou, X., Lu, C., Moyer, E., Wang, H., Hong, L., & Deng, X. (2012). A qualitative exploration of barriers to condom use among female sex workers in China. PLoS ONE, 7(10), e46786. Article e46786. [details]
    • van der Geest, S., Devisch, R., Moyer, E., & Nguyen, V. K. (2012). Preface / Postface: 'Medische Antropologie' 1989-2012. Medische Antropologie, 24(2), 257-263. [details]


    • Decat, P., Zhang, W-H., Moyer, E., Cheng, Y., Wang, Z-J., Lu, C-Y., Wu, S-Z., Nadisauskiene, R. J., Luchters, S., Deveugele, M., & Temmerman, M. (2011). Determinants of unmet need for contraception among Chinese migrants: a worksite-based survey. European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive health Care, 16(1), 26-35. [details]




    • Igonya, E. K., & Moyer, E. (2016). Freedom Corner. In L. Manderson, E. Cartwright, & A. Hardon (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Medical Anthropology (pp. 75-80). (Routledge handbooks). Routledge. [details]


    • Moyer, E. (2008). Death of the mermaid and political intrigue in the Indian Ocean. In H. J. Drewal (Ed.), Sacred waters: arts for Mami Wata and other divinities in Africa and the diaspora (pp. 451-466). (African expressive cultures). Bloomington, IN [etc.]: Indiana University Press. [details]




    Prize / grant

    • Moyer, E. M. (2014). Becoming Men: Performing Responsible Masculinities in Contemporary Urban Africa (ERC Consolidated Grant).

    Membership / relevant position

    • Moyer, E. M. (2012-2018). Association for the Social Sciences and Humanities in HIV .
    • Moyer, E. M. (2010-2018). European Association of Social Anthropology .
    • Moyer, E. M. (2010-2018). Religion and AIDS in Africa Research Group .

    Journal editor

    • Moyer, E. (editor) & Nguyen, V.-K. (editor) (2019). Medicine Anthropology Theory (Journal).
    • Moyer, E. (editor) & Nguyen, V.-K. (editor) (2019). Medicine Anthropology Theory (Journal).
    • Moyer, E. M. (editor) & Nguyen, V. K. (editor) (2014-2018). Medicine Anthropology Theory (Journal).

    Talk / presentation

    • Moyer, E. M. (invited speaker) (17-8-2018). Becoming a Target: Innovatively Categorizing Men for Global Health in Africa, 15th EASA Biennial Conference, Stockholm .
    • Moyer, E. M. (invited speaker) (23-7-2018). Living Together’ With HIV: Viral-human relations in the Age of the Anthropocene, Association for the Social Sciences and Humanities in HIV (ASSHH) Conference, Amsterdam.
    • Moyer, E. M. (invited speaker) (19-5-2018). Intervention Life, Casca-Cuba, Santiago de Cuba.
    • Moyer, E. M. (invited speaker) (2018). “We have to ask for permission to become”: Young women’s voices and social media in South Africa, African Studies Association.
    • Moyer, E. M. (invited speaker) (2017). “Let us just leave”: Gossip, Marginality and Mobility among gay men in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, European Network for Queer Anthropology, Budapest.
    • Moyer, E. M. (invited speaker) (2017). Making Care Count: Psycho-social work in the age of HIV treatment in Africa, Society for Psychological Anthropology biennial conference, New Orleans.
    • Moyer, E. M. (invited speaker) (2017). Medical Anthropology at Kenyatta National Hospital, Kenya: Creating links between academia and practitioners, Medical Anthropology Young Scholars (MAYS) conference, Edinburgh.
    • Moyer, E. M. (invited speaker) (2017). Performing Queerness in Africa: Bridging epistemological rifts on the Swahili Coast, American Anthropological Association.
    • Moyer, E. M. (invited speaker) (2017). On Death and Dying: Anthropological Perspectives, University of Nairobi Medical School, Psychiatry Colloquium, Nairobi.
    • Moyer, E. M. (invited speaker) (2017). “We have to ask for permission to become”: Young women’s voices and social media in South Africa, European Conference on African Studies, Basel.
    • Moyer, E. M. (invited speaker) (2016). Queering the Evidence: Remaking homosexuality and HIV risk to ‘end AIDS’ in East Africa, American Anthropological Association, Minneapolis.
    • Moyer, E. M. (invited speaker) (2016). A Note from the Post-Colony: Mechanisms for LGBTI psychological support in Nairobi, Kenya, Addressing Gay and Bisexual Men’s Mental Health: Time to Act workshop.
    • Moyer, E. M. (keynote speaker) (2015). Making Care Count: Valuing socio-logistic work in the age of HIV treatment in eastern Africa, Swiss Ethnological Society.
    • Moyer, E. M. (invited speaker) (2015). Circumcising Our Sons: Parenting for HIV prevention as a form of biopolitical citizenship in Kenya and Swaziland, American Anthropological Association.
    • Moyer, E. M. (keynote speaker) (2015). Abundance and (Un)happiness, or the Curious Story of the ARV-fattened Chicken, Johannesburg Workshop on Theory and Criticism, Johannesburg.
    • Moyer, E. M. (invited speaker) (2015). GIPA at 20, Roundtable Presentation, Association for the Social Sciences and Humanities in HIV .
    • Moyer, E. M. (invited speaker) (2015). 'My mom made me do it': Examining autonomy and assent among adolescent males undergoing voluntary medical male circumcision in Swaziland, AIDSImpact , Amsterdam.
    • Moyer, E. M. (invited speaker) (2015). GIPA at 20, Roundtable Presentation, AIDSImpact , Amsterdam.
    • Moyer, E. M. (invited speaker) (2015). Containing masculinity: the work of gender equality and male involvement, MAGic2015 Anthropology and Global Health .
    • Moyer, E. M. (invited speaker) (2014). Comparing Therapeutic Landscapes for HIV Care in Mombasa and Zanzibar: The importance of place for building community support in national and global contexts, American Anthropological Association.
    • Moyer, E. M. (invited speaker) (2013). They Call Me Daktari: HIV positive peer mentors at Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi, Association for the Social Sciences and Humanities in HIV .
    • Moyer, E. M. (invited speaker) (2013). Rethinking the "Lost to Follow-Up" Paradigm: Delayed and interrupted treatment itineraries among women in Swaziland, Dutch National HIV Conference (Nationaal Congres Soa*Hiv*Seks), Amsterdam.
    • Moyer, E. M. (invited speaker) (2013). Empathy as Expertise: Navigating clinical and therapeutic trajectories with HIV positive peer mentors, European Society for Medical Anthropology .
    • Moyer, E. M. (invited speaker) (2013). Time and the Self: On the Social Value of HIV Narrative Testimonials in Africa, American Anthropological Association.
    • Moyer, E. M. (invited speaker) & Adams, A. K. (invited speaker) (2013). Sex is Never the Same: Men’s perspectives on refusing circumcision in Swaziland., Association for the Social Sciences and Humanities in HIV .
    • Moyer, E. M. (speaker) & Simbaya, J. (invited speaker) (2013). Medicalisation of Free Care Giving in the Era of AIDS Medicines in Zambia, Association for the Social Sciences and Humanities in HIV .
    • Moyer, E. M. (invited speaker) & Igonya, E. K. (invited speaker) (2013). Mediating Identities and Reassembling Social Support among HIV Positive Male Sex Workers in Nairobi, Kenya, Association for the Social Sciences and Humanities in HIV .


    • Moyer, E. M. (organiser) (20-7-2018 - 23-7-2018). Intensifying the Social in the Biomedical Era, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Moyer, E. M. (organiser) (20-7-2018 - 23-7-2018). Re-socializing HIV in the Age of Biomedical Prevention, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Moyer, E. M. (organiser) (16-11-2017 - 18-11-2017). African Studies Association Conference, Chicago. Organizer of the panel: Media, Gender and Public Discourse in Urban Africa (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Moyer, E. M. (organiser) (7-10-2017). Queer (im)mobilities, queer (in)visibilities: case studies from East and South Africa, Budapest (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Moyer, E. M. (organiser) (5-7-2017 - 7-7-2017). Biennial Conference of the EASA Medical Anthropology Network - “Bodies in Transition: Power, Knowledge and Medical Anthropology”. Panel organized: BODIES IN TRANSITION - POWER KNOWLEDGE AND MEDICAL ANTHROPOLOGY (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Moyer, E. M. (organiser) (29-6-2017 - 1-7-2017). 7th European Conference on African Studies ECAS 2017, Basel. Panel organized: The Visibility and Violence of Sexual Diversity in Africa (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Maluleke, G. (participant) & Moyer, E. M. (participant) (29-6-2017 - 1-7-2017). 7th European Conference on African Studies ECAS 2017, Basel. Our panel "The Visibility and Violence of Sexual Diversity in Africa" was accepted and we will be presenting a paper titled: "We have to ask for (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Moyer, E. M. (organiser) (2016). Workshop organized at University of Amsterdam. Masculinities in Urban Africa (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Moyer, E. M. (organiser) (2016). Roundtable organized at University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam. Anthropology at Home: Perspectives from Africa (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Moyer, E. M. (organiser) (2016). Keynote Lecture, given by Julie Livingston (New York University) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Moyer, E. M. (organiser) (2016). Workshop organized at University of Amsterdam. Addressing Gay and Bisexual Men’s Mental Health: Time to Act (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Moyer, E. M. (organiser) (2016). International Workshop organized at University of Amsterdam. Religion, Sexuality, Reproduction and Pleasure in Africa (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Moyer, E. M. (organiser) (2016). Keynote Lecture, given by Robert Desjarlais (Sarah Lawrence University) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Moyer, E. M. (participant) (2013). Association for the Social Sciences and Humanities in HIV conference, Paris. On the Value of Tasks Shifted: Rethinking frameworks of volunteerism in HIV care. Panel. (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Moyer, E. M. (participant) (2013). Panel organized for the Association for the Social Sciences and Humanities in HIV, Paris. Expert Patients or Patient Experts? HIV positive health workers and axes of expertise (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Moyer, E. M. (participant) & Lorway, R. (participant) (2013). Panel co-organized for the Association for the Social Sciences and Humanities in HIV, Paris. "Involving Men" in HIV Prevention: What else is at take? (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Moyer, E. M. (participant) & Nguyen, V. K. (participant) (2013). Beyond Biosocialties in Medical Anthropology (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Moyer, E. M. (participant), Lugalla, J. (participant), Mrutu, N. E. (participant) & de Klerk, J. (participant) (2012). Conference co-organized, Dar es Salaam. HIV and the Changing Family in Eastern Africa (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Moyer, E. M. (participant) (2011). International Press Conference, Nairobi. Living Positively with HIV in Eastern Africa - Results from three comparative studies (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Moyer, E. M. (participant) & Hardon, A. P. (participant) (2011). Panel co-organized for the American Anthropological Association Meetings, Montreal. The Normalization of HIV in the Age of ARV Treatment (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Moyer, E. M. (participant) & Hardon, A. P. (participant) (2011). Panel co-organized for the European Association of Social Anthropologists conference on Medical Pluralism, Rome. Mediating Medical Things: Towards a comparative ethnography of new social forms (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Moyer, E. M. (participant), Burchardt, M. (participant) & van Dijk, R. A. (participant) (2010). Conference co-organized for a joint meeting of the Religion and AIDS in Africa research group and the AIDS Medicines research group, Amsterdam. Counselling and Cultural Change in Africa (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Moyer, E. M. (participant), Hardon, A. P. (participant) & Kinsman, F. J. (participant) (2009). Co-organizer of HIV Policy Experts meeting, Amsterdam. AIDS Treatment: Literacy and Action (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).


    • Häbel, J. (2024). A choreography of life: Conviviality and secrecy among women in Eastern Africa. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
    • Lorist, H. H. J. (2024). The fluidity of patriarchy: Resisting Dutch gender interventions in Uganda and Zambia. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Mrutu, N. E. (2020). Transformations of orphan care and support: Producing orphans and caring communities in Tanzania. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Rutayisire, T. (2018). Neither here nor there: The impact of community justice on everyday life in post-genocide Rwanda. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]



    • Simbaya, J. (2016). An ethnography of HIV/AIDS care transformation in Zambia. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
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  • Ancillary activities
    • No ancillary activities