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N. (Norma) Schemschat

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group: Political Sociology: Power, Place and Difference

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
  • Postbus 15508
    1001 NA Amsterdam
  • Publications


    • Schemschat, N. (2024). From the ‘‘Former Rubber Capital of the World’’ to Space of Hope? Refugees and Urban Transformations in Akron, Ohio. Transatlantica, 2/2024.
    • Schemschat, N. (2024). Multiscalar and In/Formal: Infrastructuring Refugee Arrival in Disempowered Cities. Urban Planning, 9, Article 8702.
    • Schemschat, N. (2024). Welcoming, Revitalising, Re-Growing? Refugee Arrival and Urban Development in Shrinking Cities. Revue Europeenne des Migrations Internationales, 40(1), 139-155. [details]
    • Schemschat, N. (2024). [Review of: H.-H.F. Chan (2022) Tensions in diversity: Spaces for collective life in Los Angeles]. International Migration, 62(2), 242-244. [details]



    • Pinoncely, V., & Schemschat, N. (2021). Être représentée et se présenter: comparaison de la couverture médiatique et des discours institutionnels des villes. Revue Marketing Territorial, 6.
    • Schemschat, N. (2021). Refugee Arrival under Conditions of Urban Decline: From Territorial Stigma and Othering to Collective Place-Making in Diverse Shrinking Cities? Sustainability, 13(23).
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  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities