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Dr. D.V. (Darshan) Vigneswaran

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group: Transnational Configurations, Conflict and Governance
Photographer: Dirk Gillissen

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Room number: B8.21
Postal address
  • Postbus 15578
    1001 NB Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Profile


    Darshan Vigneswaran is an Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science, University of Amsterdam. He is a Senior Editorial Fellow at the journal Migration Politics and is also a Senior Researcher at the African Centre for Migration and Society, WITS University. From 2010-12 he was a Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Religious and Ethnic Diversity where he co-coordinated an international working group on Public Space and Diversity. In 2008, he was a British Academy Fellow at the International Migration Institute, University of Oxford. 


    His research lies at the intersection of International Relations and Political Geography. He aims to understand and explain deep changes in the structure of international politics and his work is primarily interested in how territory has been reconfigured in response to changing patterns of human mobility and settlement. He is currently part of two major collaborations funded by the Swedish Research Council on the Protection of Migrants from Violence in South-East Asia and the Externalization of European Migration Policy in Africa. He is also the co-convenor of a working group on the Decolonisation of Outer Space. Since completing his doctoral studies at Monash University, Australia in 2006, he has authored Territory, Migration and the Evolution of the International System (2013), co-edited  Mobility Makes States: Migration and Power in Africa (2015) and  Slavery, Migration and Contemporary Bondage in Africa (2013), and published peer-reviewed articles in journals including Political Geography, Security Dialogue, Environment & Planning D: Society & Space, Review of International Studies and International Migration Review. Darshan has also provided expert consultation for INTERPOL, the EU and the South African Police Service and comment for Reuters, the BBC, and the New York Times. His profile and publications can be found at google scholar.

  • Publications




    • Minca, C., Rijke, A., Pallister-Wilkins, P., Tazzioli, M., Vigneswaran, D., van Houtum, H., & van Uden, A. (2022). Rethinking the biopolitical: Borders, refugees, mobilities…. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 40(1), 3-30. [details]





    • Quirk, J., & Vigneswaran, D. (2015). Mobility makes states. In D. Vigneswaran, & J. Quirk (Eds.), Mobility makes states: migration and power in Africa (pp. 1-34). University of Pennsylvania Press. [details]
    • Vigneswaran, D. (2015). Channeling mobility across a segregated Johannesburg. In D. Vigneswaran, & J. Quirk (Eds.), Mobility makes states: migration and power in Africa (pp. 104-124). University of Pennsylvania Press. [details]



    • Quirk, J., & Vigneswaran, D. (2013). Human bondage in Africa: historical legacies and recent innovations. In J. Quirk, & D. Vigneswaran (Eds.), Slavery, migration and contemporary bondage in Africa (pp. 1-36). (The Harriet Tubman Series on the African Diaspora). Africa World Press. [details]
    • Vigneswaran, D. (2013). Territory, migration and the evolution of the international system. (Palgrave studies in international relations). Palgrave Macmillan. [details]
    • Vigneswaran, D. (2013). Making mobility a problem: how South African officials criminalize migration. In K. F. Aas, & M. Bosworth (Eds.), The borders of punishment: migration, citizenship, and social exclusion (pp. 111-127). Oxford University Press. [details]


    • Segatti, A., Hoag, C., & Vigneswaran, D. (2012). Can organisations learn without political leadership? The case of public sector reform among South African Home Affairs officials. Politique Africaine, 128, 121-142. [details]
    • Vigneswaran, D. (2012). Experimental data collection methods and migration governance. In M. Berriane, & H. de Haas (Eds.), African migrations research: innovative methods and methodologies (pp. 115-146). Africa World Press. [details]
    • Vigneswaran, D. (2012). Rapport d'incident: méthodes expérimentales de collecte des données et gouvernance de la migration. In M. Berriane, & H. de Haas (Eds.), Les recherches sur les migrations africaines: méthodes et méthodologies innovantes (pp. 113-143). L'Harmattan. [details]
    • Vigneswaran, D. (2012). Taking out the trash? A ‘garbage can’ model of immigration policing. In L. B. Landau (Ed.), Exorcising the demons within: xenophobia, violence and statecraft in contemporary South Africa (pp. 150-171). Wits University Press. [details]
    • Vigneswaran, D. V., & Quirk, J. (Eds.) (2012). Representing 'Hidden' Populations: A Symposium on Sampling Techniques. Journal of Refugee Studies, 22(4).
    • Vigneswaran, D., & Quirk, J. (2012). Quantitative methodological dilemmas in urban refugee research: a case study of Johannesburg. Journal of Refugee Studies, 26(1), 110-116. [details]




    • Vigneswaran, D. V. (2009). Residential Sampling and Johannesburg’s Forced Migrants. Journal of Refugee Studies, 25(2), 1-21.
    • Vigneswaran, D. V. (2009). The Revolving Door: Asylum seekers, Access and Employment in South Africa. In S. Gallo-Mosala (Ed.), Migrants’ Experiences within the South African Labour Market Scalabrini.



    • Vigneswaran, D. V. (2007). The Territorial Strategy of the Italian City-State. International Relations, 21(4), 427-444.
    • Vigneswaran, D. V., & Landau, L. (2007). Shifting the Focus of Migration Back Home: Perspectives from Africa. Development (Basingstoke), 50(4), 82-87.



    • Underhill, G., Fransen, L., Freyberg-Inan, A., Vigneswaran, D., & Seymour, L. (2021). December 2021 issue: ‘Congratulations, farewell, and welcome: From the editors’. European Journal of International Relations, 27(4), 969-970. [details]




    • Chauvin, S., Pallister-Wilkins, P., Vigneswaran, D., del Valle, H., & Bonjour, S. (2015). Aylan Kurdi: coming to terms with an image. Web publication or website, Society & Space. [details]
    • Quirk, J., & Vigneswaran, D. (2015). The Construction of an Edifice: The Story of a First Great Debate. In H. Leira, & B. de Carvalho (Eds.), Historical International Relations. - Volume 2: The History of International Thought (pp. 245-266). (SAGE Library of International Relations). SAGE reference. [details]
    • Vigneswaran, D., & Quirk, J. (Eds.) (2015). Mobility makes states: migration and power in Africa. University of Pennsylvania Press. [details]


    • Vigneswaran, D. (2014). A Corrupt International Society: How Britain Was Duped into its First Indian Conquest. In S. Suzuki, Y. Zhang, & J. Quirk (Eds.), International Orders in the Early Modern World: Before the Rise of the West (pp. 94-117). (The new international relations). Routledge. [details]


    • Quirk, J., & Vigneswaran, D. (2013). Slavery, migration and contemporary bondage in Africa. (The Harriet Tubman Series on the African Diaspora). Africa World Press. [details]


    • Vigneswaran, D., Yaso, M., & Hornberger, J. (2010). Policing the beat: music piracy in downtown Johannesburg. (International policing, mobility and crime in South Africa; No. 1). African Centre for Migration & Society. [details]



    • Vigneswaran, D. V. (2008). Barriers to Asylum: the Marabastad Refugee Reception Office. African Centre for Migration and Society.
    • Vigneswaran, D. V., Araia, T., Breen, D., Cote, D., Landau, L., Palmary, I., Polzer, T., Park, Y., Ramjathan-Keogh, K., & Vearey, J. (2008). Protecting Refugees Asylum Seekers and Immigrants in South Africa. Consortium for Refugees and Migrants in South Africa.



    • Vigneswaran, D. V. (2004). International Relations’ First Debate: Context and Tradition. (Working Paper Series; No. 1). Department of International Relations, Australian National University.




    • Vigneswaran, D. V. (2007). Undocumented Migration: Risks and Myths (1998-2005). In A. Wa-Kabwe-Segatti, & L. Landau (Eds.), Migration in Post-Apartheid South Africa: Challenges and Questions to Policy-makers, Agence Française de Développement.


    • Vigneswaran, D. V., & Singh, G. (2006). Migration Analysis for Regional Strategy Paper. International Organization for Migration.


    • Vigneswaran, D. V. (2012). Policing Mobility in South Africa. Paper presented at The Borders of Punishment: Criminal Justice, Citizenship and Social Exclusion.
    • Vigneswaran, D. V. (2012). South African Deportation Policies. Paper presented at IMISCOE 9th Annual Conference.
    • Vigneswaran, D. V. (2012). The Mobile Ghetto: West African Nationals and Drug Trade. Paper presented at International Policing Round-Table Discussion.


    • Vigneswaran, D. V. (2011). Methods and Modern Slavery: A South African Case Study’, Modern Slavery. Paper presented at Human Rights and Development.
    • Vigneswaran, D. V. (2011). Monopolizing Territory: Segregation and Security in Johannesburg and Mumbai. Paper presented at Transcendence and Control in a Global Mega City.
    • Vigneswaran, D. V. (2011). The Future of the Entertainment Industry? Piracy, Gang Warfare and Intellectual Property in Johannesburg. Paper presented at African Studies Association.
    • Vigneswaran, D. V. (2011). Underworld Esperanto: Corruption as a Universal Medium. Paper presented at Comparing Conviviality: Dreams and Realities of Living with Difference.


    • Vigneswaran, D. V. (2009). Birds of a Feather: Segregation and Immigration Control in South Africa. Paper presented at Slavery, Migration and Contemporary Bondage, 7th Annual Conference on Forced Labour.
    • Vigneswaran, D. V. (2009). Do the Right Thing: Rights and Administrative Capacity in South Africa’s Refugee Reception System. Paper presented at Refugee Futures Conference.
    • Vigneswaran, D. V. (2009). Separation Anxiety: The Historical Origins of Institutionalised Xenophobia. Paper presented at Exorcising the Demon Within: Violence and Statecraft in Contemporary South Africa.


    • Vigneswaran, D. V. (2008). A Foot in the Door: Access to Status Determination in South Africa. Paper presented at Best Practices for Refugee Status Determination.
    • Vigneswaran, D. V. (2008). Incident Reporting: Experimental Data Collection Methods and Migration Governance. Paper presented at African Migration Workshop, African Migration Research: Methods and Methodology.
    • Vigneswaran, D. V. (2008). Sequestered Sovereignty: ‘Policing Immigration in South Africa. Paper presented at International Colloquium: The State of International Migration Studies in Southern Africa.
    • Vigneswaran, D. V. (2008). The Indian Sub-Continent. Paper presented at Before the Arrival of the Anarchical Society: A Study of International Orders, 1492-1792.
    • Vigneswaran, D. V. (2008). The Revolting Door: Asylum Seekers, Access and Employment in South Africa. Paper presented at The Impact of Migration on The Local Labour Market Workshop.
    • Vigneswaran, D. V., & Landau, L. (2008). Territorial Exclusion, Migrants and Statecraft in South Africa. Paper presented at International Studies Association 50th Annual Convention.


    • Vigneswaran, D. V. (2007). Captured Illegals: South African Representation of Undocumented Migrants. Paper presented at Workshop on Representation and Displacement: Refugees, IDPs and Stateless Persons in State and Nation.
    • Vigneswaran, D. V. (2007). Gentlemanly Expansion: British Ideals in India, 1757-1857. Paper presented at International Studies Association 48th Annual Convention.
    • Vigneswaran, D. V. (2007). Lost in Space: Residential Sampling and Johannesburg’s Forced Migrants. Paper presented at African Migrations Workshop: Understanding Migration Dynamics in the Continent.
    • Vigneswaran, D. V. (2007). The Spectacle of Inhospitality. Paper presented at Punishment and Incarceration.


    • Vigneswaran, D. V. (2004). The Contours of Political Space: A Macro-historical Analysis of Transformation in the Boundaries of European Community. Paper presented at Oceanic International Studies Conference.

    Talk / presentation

    • Bonjour, S. (speaker), M'charek, A. A. (speaker) & Vigneswaran, D. V. (speaker) (1-10-2018). What’s the Use of Race in Migration Studies?, What’s the Use of Race in Migration Studies?, Amsterdam.
    • Vigneswaran, D. V. (invited speaker) (9-10-2014). Who Belongs Where? A Synthetic Theory of Immigration and Urbanization Control., Invited lecture, Department of Human Geography Public Lecture Series, University of Stockholm, Stockholm.
    • Vigneswaran, D. V. (invited speaker) (1-1-2010). Civilian Policing and Territoriality in Johannesburg, Centre for the Study of Cultural Complexity, University of Oslo..
    • Vigneswaran, D. V. (invited speaker) (8-10-2009). Beyond ‘Good Cop’/’Bad Cop’: Everyday Police Corruption in South Africa, African Studies Centre Seminar Series, Leiden.
    • Vigneswaran, D. V. (invited speaker) (5-10-2009). A Suspended Sentence: Administrative Breakdown in South Africa’s Deportation System, Centre For Migration and Diversity, Free University of Amsterdam.
    • Vigneswaran, D. V. (invited speaker) (1-1-2009). Institutionalised Xenophobia in South Africa: The Historical Origins of the May 2008 Attacks’,, Seminar Series, Institute for Social Studies.
    • Vigneswaran, D. V. (invited speaker) (1-1-2008). Global Apartheid: Catchy Label or Emergent Order?, Public Lecture Series, Institute for Social Studies.
    • Vigneswaran, D. V. (invited speaker) (1-1-2008). Remembering Empire: In Search of a Political Theory of Diaspora, Diaspora Teach In, Rhodes University.
    • Vigneswaran, D. V. (invited speaker) (1-1-2008). Global Apartheid: Catchy Label or Emergent Order?, Wilberforce Institute for Slavery and Emancipation Public Lecture Series, Hull University.
    • Vigneswaran, D. V. (invited speaker) (1-1-2006). Gentlemanly Expansion: British Strategies for Territorial Control in India, 1787-1857, Forced Migration Studies Programme: Migration and Society Seminar Series, Johannesburg.


    • Vigneswaran, D. V. (organiser) & Quirk, J. (organiser) (2010). The State and Mobility in Africa, Maputo (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Vigneswaran, D. V. (organiser) (2009). Slavery Migration and Contemporary Bondage in Africa, Hull (organising a conference, workshop, ...).


    • Vigneswaran, D. (2016). Weak state/tough territory: The South African mobility regime complex. (MMG Working Paper; No. 16-03). Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity. [details]
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